The Story | Grace's Have a Good Day Wish
Grace's love for family radiated. She found happiness each day, even if it was only for a few moments. Those who had a chance to know Grace soon discovered she was a very protective older sister and daughter. Much of her joy in life came from knowing those she loved were happy. The 'Have a Good Day Wish' is in memory of the way she'd send us off to school and work. It was always with the words 'Have a Good Day', followed with 'Papa', 'Ma', 'Sarah', or 'Garrett'. I truly believe being able to so intensely love her family and our moments together, she was able to manage the physical, emotional and medical struggles she endured each moment of the day.
Have a Good Day
Hugs and Kisses, I love you toos
Oh my gracious, did you hear the news?
Grace has arrived and sees the sun/Son.
She anticipates excitement and lots of fun.
She walks hand in hand with friends from above
ever feeling God’s perfect love.
Tears of loss may come to us now
but just imagine Grace saying “Wow,
I love it here there is so much to do and remember
someday you will be with me too.”
So take comfort and memories with you today
because Grace’s wish for you is “Have a good day.”
by Christina Johnson (Gracie’s “My Helper”)